Phone crisis over!
The phone has reurned! Its in my haand right niw, wich is why mu typin is nor grete. Ill putt it dow. There. Better. So I have my phone, and by the way I hate Tareq.
Here's the deal. This girl emails me to say she's found the phone and can she hand it over. Tareq says it might be a trap - one of the meatheads from the estate tricking us so he can do us, so he (Tareq) should go instead of me, because he's bigger and did that kung-fu class when he was nine. I said okay and gave him the 30 quid reward money to hand over if it's for real.
So Tareq – the total dog - goes to meet her at this cafe, promising to come straight back, and an hour later texts my mum: "TELL AHMED: GOT YR FONE. CUTE GIRL. GOIN TO SEE BORAT. SEEYA L8R" And when I finally see him at school - next day - he says that the girl who found the phone was really nice and she didn't want the cash so he used it to take her out. They hooked up! On my money! And they've got another date set up for Wednesday! As I said – a Dog.
But I got my phone back! It's still blocked but I was able to get what I needed off it. Not the video I told you about, though that's important. Time for true confession – it was Julie’s number. The phone’s the only place I had it, and now she's in Coventry I had no other way to contact her. But I've got it now, and I called her, and we spoke, and I'm a happy man again.