Update on Tareq
I'm seriously worried about Tareq. He's totally not in a happy place right now. And he'd kill me if he knew I was blogging him up like this but I know he’s not into the whole blog thing - so he won't have seen this but this is where he’s at.
So he’s ditched school the last two days and there’s no texts so I’m thinking he was like ill or something. So wrong. And then I got a call from his girl Agent X asking if I knew where he was, so he wasn't with her. So she and me hooked up at Cafe Marco (lattes gooood) and she gives me the lowdown on how bummed Tariq is cos of this whole ultimatum from his parents about not seeing her - they had to split and everything. And he was totally torn up about it.
Tareq likes to play all gangsta but down inside he's solid. You can totally depend on him. And he seriously loves his family and isn’t gonna hurt them, so if they’re saying he has to drop Agent X or they'll disown him, he'll do it - but like it’ll totally do his head in how people he loves can be so seriously insensitive to his needs. I reckon, anyway.
So last night I finally call Tareq’s house. His mum answered and I’m all like ‘is he ill?’ and she’s all surprised and is like ‘no, hadn't I seen him in school?’ So I’m pedalling and going ‘yeah, of course, but he'd been feeling flu-ey.’ And then finally I’m checking in with my boy but he’s like really off with me. Didn't want to talk. Didn't need help. Told me to mind my own business. And then - this is weird - he asks me if I think he’s "a good Muslim". Which, you know, as it happens, since you ask, I think I am, but if you knew Tareq... that's a totally weird question for him to ask.
And I still don't know why he's been ditching school the last two days, or where he's been. I’m worried people.