Thursday 25 January 2007

Old faces

Life is being totally off again.

I was having a quiet one at work, stacking shelves and doing texts with Julie, and then this real quiet voice says, "Ahmed?" And of all the people I so wasn't expecting to see in the Food Etc. on Manor Street, it was her.

No, not Aishwarya Rai. But close. It was Agent X.

I was all like ‘what are you doing so close to the Eastburgh?’ and she - well, she made me swear I would keep what she told me tight between us. But we totally did talk, a whole load, until Santosh got the boss thing going and told me to do some actual work before I went home. And yeah, of course Agent X asked about Tareq, so like I told her what was going on with him and what I knew, and she went quiet. It must have been a bit of a shock. I know it was for me.

Good to see you again, Agent X.