Friday 19 January 2007

This entry is not about Tareq

So, um, school. And football. And stuff.

I had a go with Dinesh's Nintendo Wii. Seriously mad fun, and I rock at the tennis game. But is it just a novelty thing? Not sure it'll still be fun in a few months. But then people said the same thing about the DS.

And like is it me or is there just nothing on TV right now? Celebrity Big Brother is total try-hard city and the only thing worth watching is CSI - and they're all repeats. Tried watching The Trial of Tony Blair, but it never actually got to the trial? So what was that about?

Oh and, you know, like just mentioning it in passing, not actually, you know, writing a blog entry about him, I saw Tareq again after Friday prayers today. I tried to say I'm sorry but he dissed me, and then I just tried to say anything to him and he turned his back. He wouldn't say a single word to me.

What a loser.