Monday 15 January 2007

This entry is not about Tareq. This is about me.

I had a total bang-up with Tareq at school. Major serious stuff. If I'd kind of thought there was a chance of saving our friendship, I'm so not there any more. Things were said that it's going to be really hard to un-say. It almost got physical, but there were a couple of others there who pulled it back, which is good because Tareq’s not small and could seriously do me in. Even so, I still felt like I'd been punched in the face a few times.

And I feel like so bad about it, like a bit of me's been torn out. I totally don't know this person Tareq's become, and I don't know if I should give one any more.

So I'm not going to write about it any more. In other news... um... have you seen the pics of that new Apple iPhone? Just mega slick. Really, a huge jump forward for phone design. Some day all mobiles will be that phat. Shame I don't have a best mate to call any more.